Kush and Orange Juice
Wiz Khalifa

listen to Kush and Orange juice

Does illegal mean not right?
What is Cannabis? Is it an herb or drug?
Dr. Sebi -“ There is a book where marijuana cures 20 diseases.”
Dr. Sebi states, there is a book where marijuana is used to cure 20 diseases epilepsy and Parkinson’s. CTE causes tremors in many former athletes as they get random jolts throughout their body. According to Sebi, he’s been smoking marijuana for 66 years. An American healer that helps people heal their bodies. He also says that marijuana with seeds is what heals the body, and cush is a hybrid.
Many have gone on to say modern medicine is used to treat symptoms and not solve the problems patients have. One medicine leads to another problem that puts people on a track to death if they stop taking a medication it effects another part of the body. Many are switching to indigenous methods of medicine to preserve their life because they believe hospitals are allowing patients to die faster.
Marijuana has been used by Chiefs as a peace pipe.
Smoking can cause vaginal dryness in women and erectile dysfunction in men. When your health is important is it necessary to potentially harm your body?
Coca leaves are used for medicinal purposes such as healing the digestive system.
According to, Jeff Benner, “This topic may be a little controversial, but I think it is an important one as a lot of people have asked me over the years if the Hebrew phrase קנה בשם (qaneh bosem, often spelled kaneh bosem), translated as “aromatic cane” in the verse above, is a Biblical Hebrew phrase for cannabis, also called marijuana or hemp. “
Marijuana has been used by indigenous cultures for thousands of years. Is it biblical? There’s plenty of speculation as people like to smoke marijuana for medical purposes for pain that many have no answer for.
What’s the difference? Has smoking marijuana become idolized? Idolatry is against the Bible. Burning incense has been a common practice for years as well. So where does this leave people? People are curious if smoking marijuana is forbidden. Consuming marijuana in the form of liquid and edibles has changed the culture.
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